Sunday, September 17, 2017


Hey Guys!!!

We will be hosting a Mario Badescu company representative on October 5th from 8AM – 11AM. She will be doing a demo on how to use the products and talk about how they are made. She is super fun and it’s a great way to learn about product knowledge!!
It will be held here in the store before we open so if you aren’t scheduled that day you can still pop in. She will be hanging out with us and she will provide goodie bags and free samples!!!
In order for her to bring enough goodies I will need to know how many people will be coming.  Its free and fun and there will be FREE GOODIES!!!!!

Don’t forget:

OCTOBER 5TH, 2017   8:00AM

Sign up sheet is in the break room. If your name is not on it you are not guaranteed free goodies.